Sunday, April 5, 2009

I had another boring summers day. Who agrees with me? I want a blog like Martin Johnson's. I don't know why, I just want a blog that people actually go to and read it just for fun. I may not be that interesting or anything, but still, i have my opinions on stuff & I don't think I should care about what people have to say about me. I can't be everybody's perfect person.
Ugh. What's gotten into me?
I've been talking to my bff's about guys lately and I think I find it kind of awkward because guys get ego's when girls talk about them. They may not know but guys are guys, they think every girl is talking about them. Pft! Whatever dudes, keep on dreamin' with your eyes closed.
Well that's what was on my mind. I wanted to share it with the blogger world! Bleh..


Day 01 of not moving!

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