Thursday, March 26, 2009
Graduation Jitters

Hey people. so graduation is next week Tuesday. I think I have the jitters. I want to graduate but I don't want to leave my Alma Mater behind. There's so much inside me that has not been expressed yet. I'm not even sure if I still want to express it.

Next Tuesday is going to be really hard next week. I wonder whats going to happen. Am I really ready for this? I don't know!!
1:50 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2009

hey good people of the world! It's been like -- days since I've last updated. Blogger tends not to work in Laguna, so yeah.

Well quick update.

Monday-Wednesday ; Final High School Exam Week. [tense!]
Thursday-Friday ; Recollection in Canlubang

Graduation Practice all next next week! Damn! I think I'm excited.
5:58 AM
Friday, March 6, 2009

Going to The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus concert tomorrow with Gaby [thanks for the ticket. love you!]
Meeting up with Cha.
We'll see what's going to happen. I hope I have fun.
Pray that tomorrow will go smoothly. (:
8:09 AM
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