Saturday, February 28, 2009
Works for me!

Today is the first day of March and that means, 30 days til I graduate High School! The highlight of my life is coming! I'm excited. This is it! The end is near. The time where I say goodbye to everything that happened to me in high school and hello to life outside the campus I spent the best and worst years of my life. This is going to be hard but I can do it. Only a few more weeks of hanging out with the same people all the time and the times we would just sit and do nothing then laugh when you caught each other looking at one another. The times we'd dream about being and college and how we'd always be friends till the end. Just being ourselves and wouldn't care what the people around us would think. The people we see everyday in the same places. You know where everybody would hang. The barkadas. The "fights". The pair-ups. Everything that high school had to offer I got my dose and I think I'll do OK in college. My teachers and mentors prepared me to be ready for the future I will be having. They helped me grow. They helped me realize my potential. They helped me become who I am today. For that, I thank them with my whole heart. There might be those times wherein we didn't understand each other and we got into those misunderstandings which got us into situations we both didn't enjoy. We had our tears shed and the hugs that made it all better. The friends who were always there for you, through thick and thin. No matter how bad the problem would be. They were there for you. Maybe some weren't part of your barkada but they still showed that they were for you. I know how that feels. I love all my friends. They helped me build my character. They are the people I can never forget. They know why I'm like this. They understand, will try to understand, and will just be there. They'll be ready to be your crying shoulder. They love you no matter what. No matter how bad you might be. They won't judge you. Loving all that you are, they are somewhat your brothers and sisters that you never had. They are your other helf. Your class adviser, our mother/father. The person who'll stick up for you against the other teachers. The person who'll do anything just to convince the other teachers to let you graduate. The person who acts as your second mother in your second home.

There is so much about high school that won't be forgotten. I love high school. But every chapter has an end. We'll just continue reading and discovering a new world throughout the book of our lives. (:

* I just wanted to share my thoughts about graduation and all.

5:41 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009

hey ya'll. it's been so long since I've last blogged. Camping is over. I was gonna blog but then I got all lazy because I was tired. LOL.
Camping was the bomb! Not literally. I just had a really good time. I really did. Too bad it was only 2 days. I shared a tent with Juneth and Jamie. It was all cool. I wanted to sleep outside on the grass but then it could've rained and I didn't want to get wet. It didn't rain btw. :D
So all said and done, I had a great time. I didn't think I would but I did.

Anyway, last Saturday night, I checked out my results from De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde and... I GOT IN! I was so happy when I found out. I know have a school to go to next year. I'm taking up AB Photography. Maybe I'll shift to Multimedia Arts, I'm not sure. We'll see. I love photography anyway.

Nothing happened to me last Sunday, I stayed in, cleaned my room a little bit and watched TV. It was so boring that it went by fast. One minute I see it's 10am the next its already 4pm .Weird, right?!

Now it's Monday! HOLIDAY! I don't know what holiday it is though. All I know that there's no school and I didn't sleep in much. Too bad. I slept at like 1am and woke up at 8am. Oh well. I can always sleep some other time. I tried to edit my MySpace earlier but then I could never find the code that I need. Oh well. I'll get the layout I want someday. It's looking good right now anyway.

I'm watching You Got Served right now. I love the end. I wonder how hard they worked just to learn all those moves. I wanna learn something like that. It looks so cool. It's like they don't have any bones at all. LOL.

I read Martin Johnson's (Boys Like Girls) blog earlier. He seemed kinda weird now. It was like he was mad at the world or something. Really weird. He said he went to this temple thing in Tibet and he became all religious and stuff. He said he shaved his head and wore a robe and he was kidnapped by his manager and he had to buy a wig and some descent clothes. I'm not sure if it's real or if he was just joking. He's just weird to me right now. LOL.

I don't have much to wait for this week. We're going to DB Makati this Friday! YES! :D Ehem. But I'm still focusing more on the exams I have to take this week. Physics, Economics, Trigonometry, and Filipino. Not that excited but I still gotta do good. I'll do the best I can. It's the last quarter and I should do better since I'm going into college next year, that's if CSB let's me enroll. hehe. I have my reasons why they might not let me. Damn trigo. LOL.

Well that's all.

12:51 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009
I didn't realize it was Monday until I found out that tomorrow is Tuesday

Seriously, I forgot that today was Monday. Maybe I was just thinking too much. I was really hyper this morning. No one should give me C2 in the morning, it keeps me energized and I tend to talk a lot when I'm hyper. Maybe that's why my friends call me the Queen of shares.
Ben, Sandra and I reminisced earlier during Physics since Ma'am Carol wasn't there. I have no idea how we got to the point of what we talked about but still it was still a cool conversation. It was like I didn't hear everything that was around us (and trust me, our room is always noisy when there's no teacher. lol), all I could hear was our voices (wow! deep dude deep! lol)
Today was a good day for me! What we mostly did during all the classes today was just talking and talking and talking, I think I only saw 2 of my teachers. The rest of the class hours it was just us, talking, AGAIN! haha.
What else happened? I really can't remember much, since I didn't have my ipod, I ended up talking like there was no tomorrow. I was quiet when Ben and Alvin started talking about this game which I no interest in at all. I was like laying on my books and scribbling on any notebook that was in front of me. I was totally blank, then I think I realized that Rhette was behind me so I talked to him for a bit then I sat next to Sandra because no one was sitting next to her, then yeah, the reminiscing happened.
Ben and I bumped into Sandra and Joyce at McDonalds. We sat with them and we asked where was Ed, the guy said he was sick. tsk. Then I said to Sandra "He's sick because he didn't see me last Friday. LOL" Then when Ben and I left I told him "See, we're ment to be, when I was sick, he was too" then Ben said "No, it's just coincidence" then I said "when it's you're crush, I'm with full support and when it's with mine you're so the opposite" then he said "ganun talaga" then we laughed. We went to this hardware place because I needed to buy something, we got this idea that if zombies ever attacked us that would be the place where we'd go. He was all happy with the things surrounding him. All these hardware stuff. I remember him saying "this is where you can customize your own roller skates" and I was all like "COOL! ai, first time?! haha."
The moment was fun while it lasted, we had to go home sometime. And knowing us, we don't go home early, I guess I got used to go going home late because of last week. Oh well. I didn't go home with Dolfo today, he couldn't come. I guess I'll be going home early tomorrow since he can't go home late anymore. *sigh* I'll miss those McDonalds days with ehem! haha.
Camping is this Thursday and Friday and I'm not excited, well we'll see. haha.
5:08 AM
Boy Band Moment!

Well I'm listening to boy bands back then right now. Currently playing is the BackStreet Boys! LOL. "...I want it that way" , "tell me whyyyyyyyyy?!"
Boy bands are so fun to listen to when you're sick and tired of the mainstream music that's going around. You hear the same thing over and over again. It gets annoying, for me anyway. While with boy bands, you don't just get music, you get DANCE MOVES with matching costumes! Yeah man! LOL. Now tell me where you can get that?! Well maybe you can see that with some other solo artists, but still! Boy bands own this shizz.
I have no idea why I'm blogging about boy bands, I guess I think they're cool, AGAIN.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now aren't I just so cool!
5:02 AM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
how to start it off...

Prom? Not one of the best nights of my life. It was not what I hoped it would be.
I got sick the night before the prom and then it got worse on the day of the prom. I couldn't sleep much, neither could I breathe. It was annoying, I was so unfortunate.
Erico, Ben, and Dolfo went to my house before prom. We all chilled. They talked while I was resting. I was too tired to do anything. I had a fever and I couldn't barely speak. It was hard for me not to laugh while erico made jokes. If I laughed I would feel this pain in my throat, which hurt like crazy. LOL.
Ben looked so cute! He totally looked like David Archuleta! Seriously! He really did! His hair was so wow! I couldn't believe it! Erico counted that 15 people called him cute. Ben got really flattered when his crush called him cute. Yiih.
I'm glad he had the best prom night ever. He was even chosed to be a finalist for Mr.Senior or King of the night. We're so proud of him. hehe.
Sandra was a finalist for Ms.Senior or Queen of the night too. She looked amazing, just like everone else.
Faye won Queen of the night, just like we aspected it. Then Den-den won King of the night. We noticed that our former Mr. and Miss Junior became our King and Queen. Congrats to them. They deserved it.
I didn't have the best night of my life but I did have a good time, well a little bit. I danced with 2 of my crushes. I said no to one and the other one didn't ask me, but I did hold his hand while he has escorting me up onto the stage. It was so wow. hehe.
Jamie and I got bored that we went into the clinic and slept. Eventually a lot of seniors came into the clinic and Sir Artell saw us so we were forced to go out. Oh well. It was only an hour left till we got to go home! YES!
The cool thing that happened at the prom was that they had fireworks. Who knew that they'd ever do that for us. The music was hella loud. You could totally hear it outside. (the bad part was that they kept on playing the same songs over and over again! Yuck!) I don't get why they asked us to burn cd's if they weren't even going to use them. I even had really good songs on my cd's. Oh well. We'll use them some other time. (:
I finally got to go home at 4am. We dropped Dolfo at home at his place then went home. It felt so good to be able to sleep! I love sleep. I slept at quarter to 5 then woke up at 3pm. It was so long! At around 4pm, I went to Manila with my dad.

I guess that's the reason why I blogged about prom. The internet it better here so I get to surf the net faster, at home, it takes like forever just to watch a simple video on YouTube, weird! Seriously.
We plan on making an indie film, just for fun. LOL

5:41 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Three Fourths Gone!

Well hello bloggers out there. I'm back here in Laguna, I'm alright with it. I'm not happy about it but I gotta deal, after a few months, I'll finally graduate from DBHS and I'll be onto better stuff in college. All the drama and shit will finally stop. Even though I still hate the thought of leaving my Alma Mater I have to accept it. Life is like that.

We started our JS Promenade practice earlier. Yiih. My parnter is Rodolfo, I'm ok with it. He's my friend, and I have no problem with that. For our production number, Erico is my partner, it's weird because I'm taller than him. We'll just see if he's really my partner. Its ok. I enjoyed dancing with Erico, it was fun.

Not much happened today. Crush made Boski cry, AGAIN! Then RR and Boski got into a fight, AGAIN! We had to stop them before things got worse, those kids are crazy. Haha.

Till next time.

4:17 AM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tell me now, how's it going down. [:

That title was so corny. haha. I got that from a song. Guess which song.!
1, 2, 3, ... times up!
I had an OK day, nothing from the common happened. I did all that I had to do. We went to the post office for English class! woot! Field trip! But then it was quite awkward. For different reasons.
We found out who our partners for prom are. I'm partners with Jim, again. Oh well, I don't mind. At least I know I won't feel OP, hopefully I'm at the same table as my friends again. It's going to be a total noise jam.
I know I didn't do much today. There wasn't anything to do. I hung out with crush and boski during lunch. Then after school, Erico, Zaira, and I went on a food trip. First stop : 22, then Siomai! last, isaw! woot! Damn I got full. Then we went inside the campus and hung out and watched the dancers practice for the prom. woop-tee-doo!
I can't remember much anymore. I feel so blah. I'm once again in the stage wherein I think I'm so stupid. I'm sorry if I'm not the smartest kid alive but at least I do the best I can. I study because I want to, I'm sorry if I can't ace all the quizzes, I guess my brain isn't just the kind that can memorize things as easily as others can. Just deal with it, OK.
While I was waiting for my friends finish with practice, I hung out with Arnold! Damn! He amazed me with his magic tricks! It's just so wow! He's like David Blane! I kept on screaming when the last card me held were my cards, then with the ace thing. I couldn't believe it! It's so unbelievable, but yet I still believe and I want to see more of his magic. It's so cool! Magic FTW!
I'm going to Manila tomorrow, I got a lot to do on Saturday, yay for me, but at least I get to hang out with Mon and Gaby for a while. IBut yet, I still need to do all the other things I said I would do. I won't let myself not do it. haha. [:
Prom is next week and I'll only see my gown this Saturday, I' m kinda excited to see it. It's scarlet red! Yes! I love it!
I wish I was as pretty as Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood. They're both really pretty.
Well I gotta so do some other stuff now. Laundry is taking so long. lol.

5:02 AM
Monday, February 2, 2009
Now what?

So it's only the second day of February and I'm already bored with it. Can you believe that it's already the second month of 2009? Damn, the year is going by fast! I'm not ready to graduate, I feel that there's something missing. Something that I haven't finished yet. I know there's something undone at my high school.

I had a quick day. I kept on looking for crush. I had nothing better to do. I had finished all that I had to do. I was listening during Electronics class because I wasn't able to attend the last 2 sessions because of the foundation day mass demo practices. I didn't miss a thing, because Sir started to discuss where we left off the last time I was there. There came a point wherein I was the only one listening, everyone else was doing something else. I had nothing else to do so I listened and I actually enjoyed it. Gosh. Haha, just kidding.

I read Chapter 12 of El Fili. I didn't understand it much, tagalog is a hard language to understand. Especially if you only plan on reading the chapter only once. So I read it carefully, I tried not to get distracted, but somehow, something had distracted me. It's so weird how I know I'm reading the book but all that I can hear are the voices around me. Anyway, I think I passes the quiz -hoping-

Nothing special happened today. Well maybe there was but it's not worth blogging about, you know what I mean, right?!

So Erico, Zaira and I chilled after school while waiting for the cotillion dancers to finish their practice for the prom. We went to McDonalds and ate and ate then talked and talked. 30 minutes before 5pm we went to Giwi to buy Ben a pack of bond paper that he asked me to buy him since he was at the practice. We got bored and Erico and I saw folders so we bought one each. We have the same design! Yiiih. It's Batman, they didn't have any simple Superman ones (too bad). After that we went back to school. Crush's service was still there so I went on and looked for him. I didn't find him in his service, since Erico had to go to the bathroom we had to go inside the school. Then I asked the gaurd if he saw crush, he said "Yes, yaan s'ya oh". There he was playing bastketball, AGAIN! As usual, I walked up to him and his cousin who is my friend too. I told crush I was looking for him earlier, he said he got his hair cut so that's why I couldn't find him. Oh well! I found him then so I'm good. Haha.

As soon as I got home, I finally finsihed the last 20 pages of By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept. I loved the whole story, for me, it's hard to explain, it's like you have to read it to really understand it. It's an amazing book! I'm glad I chose it for my book review. I don't regret not choosing the similiar books as my classmates. Being different gives me a reason for no one to copy my stuff. I am sort of original/different. I like it this way. I know what the story is and I'm glad I enjoyed the process of reading the novel. Paulo Coelho must've been through so much to have written so many beautiful things. Life is precious and we must cherish it while we still can. We shouldn't abuse the time God has given us. God is in the form of man and woman, that is why he created both, correct? I learned that from the book. The terms and explanations in the book changed how I looked at life. I may be in a phase where I hate almost everything around me, but I now understand some of the answers the questions I had before. It's really hard for me to explain what I'm feeling. Just read the book and we have the same opinion, then great, if not, then all I can say is, everyone is different, we can never really be the same. [:

Well that was my day. I just finished my English assignment. It's weird having done all that I need to do, I have nothing to rush anymore. I just have to pass them all. When I do homework at home I get all tense because it's like there's a feeling that I may have done it wrong, but of course there's the feeling of pride (?) because I know that I did that I had to do and I don't have to rush the next day to it. I'm not sure what I'm feeling, I'm just glad that I don't have to do anything. I'm done! Finally.

Gotta go peeps! Tomorrow again! Mwah!


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5:28 AM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Back In The 'Ol Days

Well I got to reminiscing earlier. The thought of graduation came up again, and I realized that I'm not that just ready to be leaving. I know I keep on saying that I can't wait to graduate and get out of this place I call hell. But what I didn't realize back then was that high school was where I became who I am, everything that happened to me during these four years have taught me so much. I took advantage of the years that passed by. I wanted everything to end so quickly, and now that the end is near, I'm not that sure that I want this to end. -sigh- Oh high school. Thank you for everything. Thanks for the tears and smiles. My alma mater forever shall you be. The spirit of being a Bosconian will stay with me. (Geez, I'm getting all dramatic. Oh well)

I'm just going to miss all of this. I wonder what college has to over me, but for sure I won't forget what high school has given me. I may not have gotten into the university that I was hoping for, but I'll try again next year and hopefully I'll get in this time.

Just be safe, OK.



2:48 AM
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